Regd No. BOM. 25/88 GBBSD Dt. 13-1-88 Public Trust Act F 12366 Dt. 19-4-88

Yearly Membership Fees: Rs. 505/- (1st April – 31st March)

Life Membership Fees: Rs. 5005/-

  • Anyone above 12 years can become a member of Saad Mountaineers.
  • All rights and privileges of a Member will be available to an applicant only on approval of the application by the Committee.
  • It is not binding on the Committee to give reasons for rejection of membership.
  • A person desirous of taking a membership shall forward completely filled in Membership Application Form along with one passport size photograph, Address Proof, an entry fee and requisite fee to Saad Mountaineers.
  • Yearly member should deposit their membership fees for the next year before 31st March every year. In case of failing to do so, their membership shall expire on 31st March and he will have to pay a guest fee for participating in any Trek / Event there after.
  • A member whose membership has expired will be required to pay the entry fee for fresh membership.
Membership Form